

Neighborhoods needing health care the most will get it under new Broward Health, Memorial Healthcare partnership

February 13, 2025

South Florida Sun Sentinal

By Cindy Krischer Goodman

Increasing Access to Healthcare in Underserved Parts of Broward County

Broward Health and Memorial Healthcare are partnering on a “Better Together” initiative that will expand primary care into Broward County neighborhoods most in need.

This move aligns with FC100’s focus to increase access to primary care in underserved parts of Florida to help the state improve the health of its population. FC100 member Shane Strum, CEO of Broward Health and interim CEO of Memorial Healthcare System, said the goal is to locate facilities in areas that are considered a health desert for health and wellness. The initiative will include new primary care locations, support from five mobile outreach vans, and a county-wide call center that will direct patients to points of care closest to them and assist with scheduling so all patients, regardless of their ability to pay, receive primary and maternity care. This initiative will also address food insecurity within Broward County.

The effort will be a partnership between the healthcare providers and community organizations and will increase preventative care where it is currently lacking.

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