
Ensuring Floridians receive a rigorous education for the jobs of today—and tomorrow

A highly-skilled and educated workforce is one of our state’s most important resource for improving Floridians’ quality of life and driving sustainable economic competitiveness. The leading companies and clusters that will emerge over the next 20 years will locate themselves wherever they have access to a top-quality workforce. The time to build Florida’s future workforce is now, and education must be its foundation.


A child who can’t read or master early math concepts by the end of grade 3 is usually “lost to the system."

Mirroring other states, Council of 100 research found evidence in Florida of a “Rigor Gap”: a concerning number of high school students having passing grades in courses—and, in many cases, an A or B—while failing the corresponding state exam on the same content. This can hurt Florida students post-graduation as they seek to enter postsecondary education or join the workforce.

72% of 10th grade English students who failed the statewide End-of-Course (EOC) exam finished the course with a C or higher—37% had at least a B

55% of Algebra I students who failed the statewide End-of-Course (EOC) exam finished the course with a C or higher—12% had at least a B

38% of Florida employers stated it was very difficult to find recent graduates that were qualified to work at their companies, according to a 2021 survey by the Council. This is an improvement from the 50% we found in 2018, but not where we desire to be.

Percentage of businesses that said it was "very difficult" to find recent graduates who are qualified to work at their companies


Florida’s education system is ranked first in the country by U.S. News & World Report.

Florida’s 4th grade students ranked #3 in Reading and #4 in Math nationally

on the 2022 National Assessment of Educational Progress exams, the gold-standard for state comparisons.

with the nation’s leading housing developers, investors, and a smart, engaged state government.

The state has moved to an innovative Progress Monitoring system to help reduce the “Rigor Gap.”

Florida has become the #1 state in the nation for school choice,

increasing the opportunity for all Florida students to succeed regardless of the zip code they live in.

with the nation’s leading housing developers, investors, and a smart, engaged state government.

Florida’s higher education system has been ranked #1 in the nation by U.S. News & World Report for the past 8 years.

Florida continues to expand work-based learning opportunities and invest in career and technical education as a vital educational path to higher-paying jobs.

Florida Council of 100 research has indicated that a student having had an internship makes them significantly more employable when they seek to enter the workforce.

with the nation’s leading housing developers, investors, and a smart, engaged state government.

The Florida Council of 100 is leading an initiative to foster collaboration

between postsecondary institutions and the business community, which is vital to producing the talent needed to drive Florida’s economy.

with the nation’s leading housing developers, investors, and a smart, engaged state government.

Florida Community Health Centers

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400 North Tampa Street
Suite 1010 Tampa,  FL 33602

Media contact: press@fc100.org

© 2025. The Florida Council of 100

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400 North Tampa Street
Suite 1010 Tampa,  FL 33602

Media contact: press@fc100.org

© 2025. The Florida Council of 100

Newsletter Sign Up


400 North Tampa Street
Suite 1010 Tampa,  FL 33602

Media contact: press@fc100.org

© 2025. The Florida Council of 100